Enchanted Lands Day Nursery Kingsbury Logo

Education and Learning


We’ve taken inspiration from the pioneers of early learning such Froebel (1836) and blended the Early Years Foundation Stage and Birth to Five Matters. Our hybrid approach allows children to learn through play to reach their full potential at their own pace and in their own time. Our educators follow the children’s interests and plan resources and experiences related to these, delivering them through a balance of child-initiated and adult-led activities both indoors and out. With a love of learning central to our ethos, our educators support children with literacy and numeracy as well as social, emotional and physical development.


What makes us special

Promoting Neuroscience and Executive Function

Shifting the mindset of behaviour management to supporting children’s emotional well-being, strong emotions and feelings through co-regulation and self-regulation in partnership with you.

Celebrating Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Bilingualism is an asset and a child’s first language helps them define their own identity

Promoting a love of learning

Our purposeful play is always an opportunity to learn. And our natural and authentic teaching style develops confidence and fosters a lifelong love of learning.

Individualised Approach

Our focus on individualised learning allows children to gain knowledge in a style and at a pace that is right for them. We listen and understand, making our learning approaches truly responsive to children’s own needs.

Home away from home

Our nursery is equipped with natural resources and real objects matched to different stages of development. Their homely feel creates familiarity and encourages learning, curiosity and friendship.

Enabling Environments

Indoor Environments

The environment is furnished with the most excellent quality, wooden, Early Years furniture – designed to optimise development and resourced with a huge breadth and depth of equipment to give our children the widest experiences. 

Children develop the ability to plan as they think through how they will translate their ideas from imagination to “real life” construction; they learn how to build things, fitting parts together, they improve their ability to adapt and their trial-and-error problem solving capabilities as they find alternative options when things don’t go as they expected; and they progress their social skills as they work together. The range of materials in these areas really support children’s learning and offer them opportunities to extend and grow their ideas. 

Outdoor Environments

The outdoor environment follows the same principles as our indoor areas – maximising learning and development but always through play and enjoyment. We have an enclosed outdoor space for the children to enjoy, and we have populated it with some brilliant features, equipment and resources. There are dens and cosy areas, a large construction area, a Sensory Garden, a music wall and a Mud Kitchen.

Key Person Approach

When your child first joins our nursery, they will be allocated a Key Person who will be responsible for ensuring your child feels safe, cared for and comfortable whilst they are away from home. Both you and your child will meet their Key Person during your Settling in Sessions.

Any information we share with you will be predominantly through the Key Person. They will communicate with you at the end of each day to make sure that you don’t have to miss out on your child’s experiences at nursery.

We are using Tapestry

Celebrating Bilingualism

Key Principles of the Importance of the Home Language:

  • Bilingualism is an asset and a child’s first language helps them define their own identity and to learn additional languages

  • The most important message that we promote, is to keep children’s home language alive.

  • Children have a right to have their own voice heard and to use their own language

  • Promotion of a child’s first language increases their repertoire and learning opportunities overall within the EYFS and beyond

  • A child’s critical thinking and learning should be challenged by providing language and contextual support

  • Multilingualism stimulates brain development and helps children learn. 

1.6 million pupils in the UK recorded as having English as an additional language, this equates to 19.5% of the overall pupil population.

At Enchanted Lands Day Nursery we believe that having more than one language is something that should be celebrated, promoted and supported. Did you know that more children in the world grow up multilingual than monolingual, so it’s our job in the early years to celebrate and develop an inclusive. Multilingualism stimulates brain development and helps children learn because they can think about their ideas in two (or more) languages. 

Speaking more than one language comes naturally to babies, whose brains are wired for all language. A child’s first language is usually the mother’s as they have heard it in the womb. A child who develops good use of their home language (sometimes also called their mother language) is more likely to develop good English, which supports brain development and emotional well-being. Sadly, if parents use English instead, children can lose their mother language, neither language will progress and the child may have problems in both languages. The most important message that we promote, is to keep children’s home language alive.

At a very young age, a child learns to distinguish and develop the differences between languages used with them and around them, sadly this skill diminishes as we get older. Families should continue to use their home language, talking to their child from the earliest age onwards. This is central for the child’s communication, social, and emotional development.  Language feeds the brain and links us to our family, our community and our friends. This is vital for a young child’s sense of self.