Enchanted Lands Day Nursery Kingsbury Logo

Partnerships with Parents

We aim to foster joyful, self-assured learners. As your child’s initial educator, we encourage your active role in their next phase. Early interactions greatly shape their lives, thus sharing successes or challenges from home is valuable to us.

Creating a generation of happy, confident learners

We want to create a generation of happy, confident learners. As your child’s first teacher, we want you to be fully involved in the next step of their journey. These early interactions have had an enormous impact on their lives so far, so it’s important to share what is working well (or maybe not so well) at home with us too.

When your child first joins our nursery, they will be allocated a Key Person who will be responsible for ensuring your child feels safe, cared for and comfortable whilst they are away from home. Both you and your child will meet their Key Person during your Settling in Sessions.

We use an ‘All About Me’ form to gather information about their families, favourite toys and activities and any personal information such as medical needs, allergies, or additional needs. These will help staff get to know the children well and help them settle into their new routine.

Any information we share with you will be predominantly through the Key Person. 

We aim to give regular feedback about their days and key events, and further deeper ‘Parent Development Reviews’ each term. We will discuss the child’s progress in each of the seven areas of the curriculum and whether they are working at ‘expected level of achievement,’ or if working slightly ‘below expected level of achievement’ how we are going to support any difficulties or gaps in learning.

We hold Development 2-year-old check Reviews, and link these with the review checks from your child’s Health Visitor to support children to reach their milestones. Any children working with other professionals such as Speech and Language, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapist or Educational Psychologists will also have their reports embedded in the development journey to ensure every child makes the best possible progress.

We like to keep you involved with nursery news through our Weekly Newsletters, Dates for your Diary and Home Learning suggestions.

Throughout the year we plan lots of further opportunities to be involved in your child’s experience at nursery and invite you to join us for Stay & Play sessions, festivals, celebrations and special events.

If you have any further questions, please talk to your Nursery Manager or your child’s key person.